HolyCoast: How Conservatives Are Made
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How Conservatives Are Made

John J. Miller relates a story about his son:
"They Just Took My Money"

That's what my 8-year-old son said about the sales tax on the ride home from Borders a few minutes ago. He had a $10 gift card from Christmas, bought a Clone Wars book for $7.99, looked at the receipt, and wondered why he still didn't have a full $2.01 on it.

This is how conservatives are made.
My kids have in the last few months gotten their first real paychecks and have discovered the joys of income tax withholding, FICA, and other deductions. It's always a rude awakening.


Nightingale said...

I was 4 years old when I learned about government hand-outs.

I was at a preschool Easter egg hunt, and I cleaned up; my little Easter egg basket was full. My mom went to get the car, as I waited on a bench across from a mother and her child, who didn't have as much in her basket. The other mother suddenly got up and reached her hand into my basket, saying something about me having more than I needed, and just took a handful of my earnings, and walked away.

She never asked me to share, she just took it; I have never forgotten how that felt. I was just a little kid.

LEwArcher said...

I wonder if he ignored the red lights on the way home while driving along the forested, unpaved road.