HolyCoast: A Little Light Reading on This Day That Congress Decides to Destroy the U.S. Economy
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Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Little Light Reading on This Day That Congress Decides to Destroy the U.S. Economy

I was searching for something that might cheer me up on this day that it now appears likely that Congress will pass Obamacare and thus guarantee the destruction of the U.S. health care system and economy. I found it in Tom Clancy's book "Debt of Honor". Part of this is summarized, and part from the actual book. The key player, Captain Sato, is flying a Japan Airlines 747, empty of passengers but full of fuel, on a personal mission of vengence:
The President finally arrives, and begins to greet the key members of Congress. He begins his speech, just at the moment that Captain Sato begins his unscheduled descent into Washington D.C., airspace. Captain Sato told the tower that he has an aircraft in trouble, as engines one and two were lost. Sato asked permission to set down in Baltimore on an emergency basis. After getting permission, Sato begins his descent, but at the last possible moment, he veers off his prescribed emergency flight path, heading directly toward the Capitol Building, where the President is well into his speech by this time.

It was really all decided now. He advanced his throttles, accelerating his aircraft from approach speed of one-hundred-sixty knots, holding to his altitude of one thousand feet for the moment. The target was in view now, and all he had to do was turn forty degrees left. On reflection, he lit up his aircraft, displaying the red crane on the rudder fin ... Sato had been to Washington often and done all the usual tourist things, including visiting the Capitol Building more than once. It was a grotesque piece of architecture, he thought again, as it grew larger and larger, and he adjusted his flight path so that he was now roaring right up Pennsylvania Avenue, crossing the Anacostia River."

The American Secret Service detail was able to fire a Stinger missile, destroying one engine, but it was not enough to keep the airliner from crashing into the Capitol Building.

"Nearly three hundred tons of aircraft and fuel struck the east face of the building at a speed of three hundred knots. The aircraft disintegrated on impact. No less fragile than a bird, its speed and mass had already fragmented the columns outside the walls. Next came the building itself. As soon as the wings broke up, the engines, the only really solid objects on the aircraft, shot forward, one of them actually smashing into and beyond the House Chamber ... The entire east face of the building's southern half was smashed to gravel, which shot westward -- but the real damage took a second or two more, barely time for the roof to start falling down on the nine hundred people in the chamber; one hundred tons of jet fuel erupted from shredded fuel tanks, vaporizing from the passage through the stone blocks. A second later it ignited from some spark or other, and an immense fireball engulfed everything inside and outside of the building. The volcanic flames reached out , seeking air and corridors that held it, forcing a pressure wave throughout the building, even into the basement."

I feel better now.


Linda said...

That was a great book!

Herman said...

The way Oama is leading this country of our downhill it won't be too long before the Red Blooded American Citizens take to the streets as they have enough of this foolishness.

Papab46 said...

I have read all of Clancy. How about Obama being the arrogant Russian sub commander, the torpedo he fires is healthcare bill, he passes it (fires it) and then it blows him up?