HolyCoast: National GOP Blowing it In Massachusetts
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

National GOP Blowing it In Massachusetts

The Boston Herald tells us today that the national GOP is lending almost no help to the GOP candidate in the special Senate election in Massachusetts to replace Ted Kennedy:
U.S. Senate candidate Scott Brown has been all but abandoned by the same national Republican committees that pumped hundreds of thousands in campaign cash to former governors Mitt Romney and William Weld during their long-shot bids for U.S. Senate.

The snub has outraged local Republicans who say national conservatives should be jumping at the chance to nab the first open Senate seat in decades despite Brown’s tough odds in the Jan. 19 special election.

“They need to give Scott a level playing field,” said former state GOP chairman Peter Torkildsen. “It’s one of those rare opportunities that a Republican has a good shot in Massachusetts.” …

Local operatives say the national GOP and the NRSC have donated voter lists, telephone systems and at least $50,000 to Brown’s effort.

But that support is barely a blip when compared to the intense GOP involvement in the unsuccessful but vigorous Romney and Weld Senate bids.
Writing off this race is a huge error by the GOP. Here is the perfect opportunity to test drive the anti-Obamacare campaign, especially since a GOP senator would be able to stop the whole thing in its tracks. If nothing else the party could see the effect an anti-Obamacare campaign would have on the vote totals and judge if that might be a good tactic for November.

They shouldn't be quitting on this race when there's so much voter opposition to the Dems agenda.


Sam L. said...

You might want to mention Scott Brown's address, should maybe anyone wish to express a tangible interest in him.

LewArcher said...

The voters aren't there.
The Dem winner got 310,000 plus votes.
All the Dems got 664,195 votes.

The Republican winner got 145,465 votes.
All the Republicans got 162,706.
The Dems would have to fall into a Rip Van Winkle slumber for the Republican to win.
These special elections mostly bring out the party faithful.

LewArcher said...

Hey Sam L.
Here's the address.
Put your money to good use