HolyCoast: New York is the Saddest State of them All
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New York is the Saddest State of them All

That's according to a survey of happiness that Don Surber mentions in his post. California is 37th. As Don point out Obama carried all 10 of the saddest states on the list. Perhaps Obama voters are all basically depressed. That could explain their poor judgment.

One thing I found interesting is the within the top 10 is Louisiana (#1) as well as Mississippi (#6) and Alabama (#9), all states devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Maybe New York could just use a good hurricane.

You can read the whole list at the link.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

There might be something to it, indeed. Even if Democrats are not universally depressed in the clinical sense, their philosophy is nihilistic. (And that's gotta hurt.)