HolyCoast: Obama Cuts the Crime Rate
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Obama Cuts the Crime Rate

How? By encouraging people, indirectly though it may be, to buy more guns:
Preliminary statistics released by the FBI for the first half of 2009 show that violent crime continues a downward trend that began in 2006. The figures show crime falling in all categories--robbery, aggravated assault, motor vehicle thefts, etc.--with murders down a remarkable 10 percent from the previous year.

The FBI statistics undermine a favorite argument of anti-gun groups and some mainstream media that "more guns equal more crime," especially when you consider that the decrease in violent crime from late 2008 through the first half of 2009 occurred at the same time that firearm sales were surging.
I think it's time for the GOP to introduce a national right to carry law. Even if they couldn't get it passed the fact they offered it would be a good campaign piece.

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