HolyCoast: Recession Hits Megachurch
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Recession Hits Megachurch

Even the one of the largest megachurches around can't escape the Obama economy:
Evangelical pastor Rick Warren is begging parishioners at his Southern California megachurch to cough up $900,000 before Jan. 1 to keep the parish out of the red.

In an urgent letter posted on the Saddleback Church Web site on Wednesday, Warren says expenses are up because parishioners are out of work and "the bottom dropped out" when year-end donations dropped dramatically.

He asks parishioners to donate before the new year to keep the Orange County church out of debt.

A spokeswoman for Warren said the church does not release financial details, so it's difficult to put the $900,000 shortfall in context.

Warren delivered the invocation at the inauguration of President Barack Obama and is the author of numerous books, including the best-selling "The Purpose Driven Life."

Giving normally picks up at year-end as people try to get their dollars on record before the end of the tax year. This year, there weren't any dollars.

UPDATE: Church members are responding. I fully expect the need will be met.

UPDATE2: Shortfall not a management issue, says Rick Warren. More of a timing issue, which I can certainly understand.

1 comment:

LewArcher said...

My Catholic church hasn't seen such a decline in the weekly collection plate.
Unfortunately, costs have gone up as well the few on staff haven't seen a raise in several years.

Must be Obama's fault.
Funny, I remember Republicans pegging troubles in Dec 1981 and 1982 on Carter.
Maybe Rick's memory isn't what it used to be.