HolyCoast: Rock the Vote Doing Us All A Favor
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Rock the Vote Doing Us All A Favor

They're advising their followers to withhold sex from people who oppose Obamacare:
The political advocacy group “Rock the Vote” has a new video out encouraging young people to abstain from having sex with folks opposed to healthcare reform.
Sadly, this isn’t your run of the mill call for celebacy, for the video also instructs youth to use sex to get people to change their minds on this issue.

The group’s YouTube posting asks: “What would you withhold from someone who opposes health care reform? Cookies, a Christmas gift, sex?”

Pretty racy for an organization whose mission is to “give young people the tools to identify, learn about, and take action on the issues that affect their lives, and leverage their power in the political process[.]”
Who'd want to be seen with that hairy-legged bunch anyway?


Sharon said...

Just one more group that is really screwed up and has no real purpose in life.

Jerry said...

These are the tools we want youth to embrace for political reform? Using sex and bribery to influence decisions?
Sex for votes........awesome, future sluts of America unite.
