HolyCoast: Scientists Defying "Consensus"
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Scientists Defying "Consensus"

Looks like the science of climate change isn't settled at all (sorry Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi). Don Surber provides some quotes:
A few scientists though are speaking out. Many of them believe in Global Warming, but hate what Phil Jones, Michael Mann and the others did.

Via columnist Joe Konopka, John Christy, a scientist at the University of Alabama, said: “It’s disconcerting to realize that legislative actions this nation is preparing to take, and which will cost trillions of dollars, are based upon a view of climate that has not been completely scientifically tested.”

Via Vincent Carroll, the University of Colorado’s Roger Pielke Jr. said, “We do want some institutions that take a step back from advocacy… If climate scientists want to regain lost credibility, and indeed not see it diminish further, they are going to have to stop playing the rest of us for fools.”

Eduardo Zorita of Germany’s Institute for Coastal Research: “I may confirm what has been written in other places: research in some areas of climate science has been and is full of machination, conspiracies, and collusion, as any reader can interpret from the CRU-files. They depict a realistic, I would say even harmless, picture of what the real research in the area of the climate of the past millennium has been in the last years. The scientific debate has been in many instances hijacked to advance other agendas.”

Scientists need to forget saving the world and begin saving science.

That last line from Surber is the most important at all. Science used to gain great respect from the average schlub who didn't know any better. Now all science is becoming suspect. After all, if a hoax like global warming can go on as long as it has, what else is currently being promoted as "settled" that in fact is a crock?


Nightingale said...

What else is being promoted as "settled" you ask?

How about high cholesterol being the leading cause of heart disease. I know, I know...it's got to be true because everyone tell us so, including the makers of Lipitor, et al.

But would it surprise you to know that the leading cause of heart disease is inflammation? And that inflammation is caused by the increased intake of glucose? And that all those "good" whole grains (starch) we are told to eat is in fact glucose?

But who wants to let a lot of good data get in the way of one's theory.

Layman Harry said...

Science has earned a healthy skepticism. Not just anthropogenic global warming. Remember Piltdown Man? How about the "Population Bomb" and UN family planning and the forced surgical sterilization of 8 million villagers in India? Global cooling and the coming Ice Age? Rachel Carson and DDT and millions of third world malaria deaths? Alar? Nuclear Winter and the big freeze that didn't happen when Saddam set the oil fields on fire?

Whenever someone tells you the science is settled, grab your wallet!

The late Michael Crichton wrote on the subject: http://www.michaelcrichton.net/speech-alienscauseglobalwarming.html