HolyCoast: Someone's Having Lobster and Halibut for Christmas
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Someone's Having Lobster and Halibut for Christmas

I've never had seafood for Christmas, but I think that's what these people are doing:
Nearly two dozen lobsters and two large halibut have been stolen from the Redondo Beach SEA Lab over the weekend.

Employees discovered someone had tampered with a tank that held California spiny lobsters, snatching up roughly 20, presumably to eat or sell to a fish market.

The lobsters had been saved from the nearby AES power plant's intake pipes, and would have been released back to sea at a local beach as one of the SEA Lab's educational programs.

The stolen fish, believed to be about 10 years old, weighed about 30 pounds apiece and measured more than 3 feet long.

The halibut were housed in an outdoor tank which has given countless children an opportunity to observe marine life up close.
Someone's going to be observing marine life up close - as their fork heads to their mouth.

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