HolyCoast: Teaching Minnesota Kids to Hate America
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Teaching Minnesota Kids to Hate America

It would be easy enough to believe that a lot of Minnesotans hate America. After all, a majority of them voted for Al Franken.

However, Big Government has a report on the plans to institutionalize the hatred of America by teaching it as part of the school curriculum:
We couldn’t even begin to make something like this up.

According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, College of Education officials recently established the “Race, Culture, Class and Gender Task Group.” It’s charged with helping to devise a new system for training prospective K-12 teachers, because current teachers lack “cultural competence,” a factor officials believe contributes to the poor performance of minority students.

The task force has issued its final report, which the group Foundation for Individual Rights in Education brought to light, and officials from the College of Education are expected to review its recommendations in January.

What’s the task force’s main recommendation? That new teachers be immersed in a liberal political agenda that’s highly critical of American social norms, particularly the notion that all people can positively influence their own destiny through hard work and determination.

The task force “recommended that aspiring teachers must repudiate the notion of the ‘American Dream’ and instead “must embrace – and be prepared to teach our state’s kids – the task force’s own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic,” according to writer Katherine Kersten of the Star Tribune.

“The report advocates making race, class and gender politics the ‘overarching framework’ for all teaching courses at the university,” Kersten wrote. “It calls for evaluating future teachers in both coursework and practice teaching, based on their willingness to fall into intellectual lockstep.”

The task force recommends that prospective teachers begin by confessing their own bigotry. They would have to prepare a report “describing their own prejudices and stereotypes, questioning their ‘cultural motives’ for wishing to become teachers, and take a ‘cultural intelligence’ assessment designed to ferret out their latent racism, classism and other ‘isms,’” according to the newspaper.

More than anything, “future teachers must. . . recognize and denounce the fundamental injustices at the heart of American society,” the article said.

What about those prospective teachers who refuse to fall into “intellectual lockstep?” After all, there’s bound to be a stubborn conservative or two who think America’s a pretty decent place to live, work and raise a family.

For them, the university “must develop clear steps and procedures. . . including a remediation plan,” the report said.

We wonder if the university’s “remediation” program will prescribe years of hard labor, so the unenlightened will have plenty of time to ponder their foolishness.

If I might make a suggestion to Minnesota parents, why don't you request that the schools use this new history text from former Education Secretary William Bennett instead:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt today announced an exclusive agreement with former U.S. Secretary of Education William J. Bennett to distribute America: The Last Best Hope, a three volume series and interactive website on United States history that will be available January 1, 2010 for grades 8-12.

“As students of this generation seek out unique methods of learning, this program meets them where they already are – in cyberspace.”
“Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is excited to partner with Secretary Bennett, and benefit from his unique experiences with education, by distributing this groundbreaking new series,” said Bethlam Forsa, Executive Vice President of Content Development & Publishing Operations, K-12 Publishers at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. “As students of this generation seek out unique methods of learning, this program meets them where they already are – in cyberspace.”

America: The Last Best Hope is told by eminent author and educator William J. Bennett, and curricular applications were developed by noted, award winning educators and American history experts. The books are available in e-reader versions as well as standard texts. In addition, Team HOPE (“History Opens Eyes”) has developed innovative and revolutionary online companion materials for students and teachers, called The Roadmap, to change the way American history is learned and taught.

Secretary Bennett stated: “History is our nation’s school children’s worst subject. And yet, the history of America is the greatest story of the modern era. It should not be boring, it should not be dumbed-down, and it should not be politicized. It is the story of a great experiment—what Abraham Lincoln called a ‘proposition.’ It is the story of many noble efforts to live up to that proposition, sometimes failing, more often, succeeding. This great adventure is told the best way I know how, chronologically, excitingly, honestly. ‘Once Upon A Time’ can still be an invitation to our youth and there is no greater ‘Once Upon A Time’ than ours. It is the dream of a lifetime for me to have a textbook in our nation’s schools explaining all of this—and with a most exciting curriculum to accompany it. And to do so with the leader in excellence in education publishing, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, is a special privilege.”


Ann's New Friend said...

But, it's in situations like these that Mother Nature has a trick up her sleeve. It's not for nothing that generation after generation children are bored to distraction with school. It was ever thus: some moron trying to ram something (different somethings, albeit) down their little throats.

So, what do the little kiddies do? Throw spitballs! Indeed, that's exactly what spitballs are for!

And maybe with as injustice of this magnitude we should join the kiddies in their fun ....

Children have their own built in manure detectors. I have confidence in that.

Anonymous said...

Those that can't do, teach.

Anonymous said...

Those who can teach, do.
Those who can't teach devote their energy to griping about those who can.

Unknown said...

These are interesting comemnts. However, I am perplexed by the implication that "there may be a conservative who thinks America is a pretty good place..." Many liberals, myself included think that America is a great place adn work tirelessly to make it even better. This sometimes includes acknowledging that America holds great opportunity, but is far from perfect. I only know of one perfect person.
Marc Gamble

Anonymous said...

yer funny. not haha. the crazy Michelle Bachmann kind.

Rick Moore said...

Marc - I accept your compliment. Bachmann is kicking liberal butts at every opportunity.

TheMaddGreek said...

Hey what do we have to be proud of? Kids should be realists. Have no delusions the days of tainting history books to read like fiction are long over. Kids desire to know the truth and it's about time we start teaching by example and living out in the light not under the cover of darkness.This fifty year old little kid was never deceived by the white washed history that was taught to me and it had nothing to do with the crappy teachers I had!

Ashlee LeMarc said...

Bachmann is precisely what's wrong with conservatives in America today. The political basis of conservatism has taken a backseat to religious conservatism, and the GOP has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the Christian Right. They care more about discriminating against homosexuals than they do about balancing our budget.

But let's not get off topic. This whole entry is based off of one particular writer's assessment of a new policy. But have you actually read the charter statement (or whatever it is) yourself before jumping on the predictable right-wing bandwagon?

As a liberal I am ashamed of many of the actions perpetrated by the PC crowd in the name of progressive education and politics. But to say that everyone is created equal in our country, to say that everyone has the same opportunities if they just work hard for it, is pure Ayn Rand-loving bullshit. Try being a black Muslim homosexual and trying to make it to the same level as a white Christian hetero in Alabama and tell me how that works out for you.

Ashlee LeMarc said...

And by the way -- your characterization of every liberal (particularly us Franken voters) hating America takes away whatever respectable part of your ideology existed.

If being a liberal means I hate America, being a conservative must mean you hate every country BUT America, that you would support any war as long as it's done in the name of Jesus Christ and/or development of American economic interests, and that you think the world is only 8,000 years old. Call me crazy but I like to give strangers (even ones who like Michelle Bachmann) the benefit of the doubt and assume they're smarter than that.

Anonymous said...

Try being a white Christian hetero in Saudi Arabia. As a matter of fact I'd like you to go there and just be yourself. You wouldn't last long. lol