HolyCoast: Want to Know Why California College Tuitions Are So High?
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Want to Know Why California College Tuitions Are So High?

Perhaps it's because of nonsense like this:
SAN DIEGO (AP) — A group of California artists wants Mexicans and Central Americans to have more than just a few cans of tuna and a jug of water for their illegal trek through the harsh desert into the U.S.

Faculty at University of California, San Diego are developing a GPS-enabled cell phone that tells dehydrated migrants where to find water and pipes in poetry from phone speakers, regaling them on their journey much like Emma Lazarus' words did a century ago to the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" on Ellis Island.
How about creating a fence they can't get through? I wouldn't mind tuition dollars going to that.


Nightingale said...

College officials also want to extend "resident" status to illegals, so they don't have to pay out-of-state fees like someone coming from, say, Colorado to go to school here.

Does that seem right?

Herman said...

Seems like a good idea would be to bring our military home from overseas assignments and place them along our Southern Border with weaponry and start target practice on those who illegally cross the border into our country. The illegals wouldn't need water or food and our college officials could spend their time on more worthwhile projects.

Tim Knoxville said...
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Tim Knoxville said...

"There are many, many areas in which every American would say I don't like the way my tax dollars are being spent. Our answer to that is an in-your-face, so what?" says UCSD lecturer Brett Stalbaum, 33, a self-described news junkie who likens his role to chief technology officer."

I'd liken my fist to this individuals face. Last I heard, this is "aiding and abetting" in an illegal act. How in the world is this SERIOUSLY legal?