HolyCoast: White House Tries to Silence Stupak
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

White House Tries to Silence Stupak

The Democrat who gave us the Stupak anti-abortion amendment in the House Obamacare bill is claiming that the White House is trying to silence him:
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said the White House and the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives have been pressuring him not to speak out on the "compromise" abortion language in the Senate version of the health care bill.

“They think I shouldn’t be expressing my views on this bill until they get a chance to try to sell me the language,” Stupak told CNSNews.com in an interview on Tuesday. “Well, I don’t need anyone to sell me the language. I can read it. I’ve seen it. I’ve worked with it. I know what it says. I don’t need to have a conference with the White House. I have the legislation in front of me here.”
I think Rep. Stupak might be our next contestant on "Make Me a Republican!"

1 comment:

Rick Jensen said...

I think this senate bill will start to unravel between now and January with threats like this and now the several states attorney generals investigating the constitutionality of the bill.