HolyCoast: Why They Fell For Globaloney
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Monday, December 07, 2009

Why They Fell For Globaloney

Don Surber offers a number of reasons why different segments of society fell for the global warming hoax:
1. The pseudo-intellectuals fell for it because none of them ever cracked a science book.
2. The policy wonks fell for it because it gave the government more control.
3. The bleeding hearts fell for it because they always want to save the Earth.
4. The communists fell for it because it portrayed capitalists as destroying the Earth to make money.
5. The capitalists fell for it because they saw a new way to make money.
6. The Hollywood crowd fell for it because it made their pampered lives seem to have a meaning and purpose.
7. The newspapers fell for it because it was new.
8. The teachers fell for it because it was a new thing to teach the children to teach their parents.
9. The children fell for it because they wanted to show how well they are doing in school.
10. The parents fell for it because they wanted their children were doing so well in school and they wanted to be supportive.
11. The utility companies fell or it because they can raise rates.
12. The Nobel Peace Prize committee fell for it because Al Gore should have won in 2000.
13. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences fell for it because Al Gore should have won in 2000.
14. The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (Grammys) fell for it because Al Gore should have won in 2000.
15. The 30,000 scientists fell for it because while it was not in their field of study, they wanted to be supportive of science.
The rest of us chose to believe that only arrogance could make someone believe that man can control the Earth's climate.

And remember the Glenn Reynolds rule: "I'll believe global warming is a crisis when the people who claim it's a crisis act like it's a crisis."

Is this an example of acting like a global warming is a crisis?
Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges.

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