HolyCoast: Ask For $900,000 and Ye Shall Receive $2.4 Million
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Monday, January 04, 2010

Ask For $900,000 and Ye Shall Receive $2.4 Million

That sounds like a winning formula:
In what Pastor Rick Warren called radical giving, Saddleback Church members not only heeded his call to quickly raise $900,000 but exceeded it by at least $1.5 million.

A packed church erupted today in applause and cheers when Warren made the announcement at the 4:30 p.m. service. By New Year’s Eve, church members brought $2.4 million to the church, a tally that does not include mailed donations, Warren said.

“This is pretty amazing,’ Warren exulted. “That’s a record. I don’t think any church has gotten a cash offering like that off a letter.”

"We're starting the new decade with a surplus,” he said. “It came from thousands of thousands of ordinary people. There was not one big fat cat.”

The outpouring started Wednesday after Warren posted a message on the church’s Web site appealing for donations to overcome a $900,000 shortage in collections.

Men, women and children flocked to the church, stuffing donation boxes so rapidly that security guards emptied them every 30 minutes.

On Friday night, Warren issued an update on the church’s Web site, calling the outpouring “history-making” and urging his flock not to miss the weekend services.

“I can't wait to share with you what happened this week,” Warren wrote. “It speaks volumes about you, the depth of commitment in this fellowship, and where God is taking us in 2010 – our 30th Anniversary year. I'm simply calling this week's message ‘The Miracle.’”

The money will go toward the church’s ministries, including feeding more than 2,000 families, helping orphans and supporting bible studies and small group ministries.

I had a feeling the church folks were going to come through in a big way, but they really put a hurt on that $900,000 goal. Good for them.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

I'm glad to see that they far exceeded their need. I think a lot of people may have been sand-bagging their funds and since they were made aware of the need they dug into their money sack and gave.