HolyCoast: Auto Bailout Headlines of the Day
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Auto Bailout Headlines of the Day

From Drudge:
A PROFIT! FORD earns $2.7 billion in 2009...

I don't think $1,000 is going to be enough to get Toyota owners to switch to GM. For most of owners they'd have to GIVE them a GM car to make them switch.


Underdog said...

There's a day coming when Government Motors will FORCIBLY compel you to part with your free enterprise business automobile, and require you to pay an inflated amount for a worthless vehicle.

But I don't want to give the politicians any ingredients for their bad lawmaking or anything. . . (shudder)

Sarah said...

Let GM and their Union go down the drain. They have earned their reputation for putting out over-priced vehicles of inferior quality put together by a Union Force that doesn't care one thing about quality.