HolyCoast: Birthers Go After Beck
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Monday, January 04, 2010

Birthers Go After Beck

And apparently a lot of other talk radios shows. I noticed some stuff on Facebook yesterday and this morning urging people to call the show and demand he take on the whole birth certificate thing. I figured it was doomed to fail:
On the air today, popular radio host Glenn Beck mocked "birthers" and claimed there is a concerted campaign to get those questioning Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility onto the airwaves – a strategy Beck said would actually benefit Obama.

"There's always games being played behind the scenes at a talk radio show," Beck said. "Rush has always called them seminar callers. But instead of being coy with the seminar callers or with you, I'm just going to expose the game that is going on. Today there is a concerted effort on all radio stations to get birthers on the air."

"I have to tell you, are you working for the Barack Obama administration?" Beck scoffed. "I mean, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

The ongoing dialogue then spun off into ridicule as Beck caricatured those who question the sitting president's eligibility with straw-man arguments reminiscent of jibes made by Obama's apologists in other news outlets.

Beck defined birthers as people who believe Obama was born in Kenya or other foreign country, was raised as a Manchurian candidate and somehow brainwashed Hillary Clinton into not exposing his fraud. According to Beck's running joke, birthers believe someone – maybe Obama's KGB "control" – preemptively placed Obama's birth announcement in 1961 Hawaiian newspapers with a "roadmap" of getting an African man into office.

As for Obama producing a long-form birth certificate to actually prove his place of birth, Beck questioned, "Why do that when these people ['birthers'] are so discrediting themselves?"

The radio host further argued that by distracting the public from actionable issues, "birthers" have become "a dream come true" for Obama, an ideal situation akin to the fantasies of adolescent boys after Hollywood bombshells.
Sorry, but I'm with Beck on this one. The whole birther thing has been a distraction from the start and will never result in removing Obama from office. It's pretty much the same as those who demanded (and are still demanding) that Bush be impeached (or arrested) for war crimes.

It's a time-wasting fantasy. Obama will end up out of office in due time (probably 2013).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No question that it is a distraction. Even if he is not eligible for POTUS, he is in there and driving an agenda that will destroy the USA from within. If The Left is able to do what they've done so far, with more dangerous legislation on the table, then we need to address what the current threat is. Barack Obama is a Cloward-Piven President, which is far more dangerous to the USA than if he were a Manchurian Candidate.