HolyCoast: Dems Want Health Care and Illegal Immigration in 2010
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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Dems Want Health Care and Illegal Immigration in 2010

This is sort of like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun:
Lawmakers who want to extend health coverage to illegal immigrants will not block the passage of the final health care reform bill so long as the White House offers a substantive promise to start pushing comprehensive immigration legislation this year.

Democrats who want a comprehensive bill that reforms immigration law but also offers a pathway to citizenship have threatened to vote against health care if illegals aren't included in the new system, making immigration one of the sticking points as Democratic leaders negotiate the final details.

Democratic leadership aides believe that a firm White House promise of a comprehensive immigration bill will be enough to quell any House dissent.

TPMDC sources have been telling us that members won't admit it publicly but they are ready to concede on immigration in the health care bill. Political aides in the White House have told key parties in Congress that President Obama wants to see a bill this year, and negotiations are under way for how it would be written.

I don't think Obama's gotta another big fight in him, especially in an election year. Immigration reform, which you just know will include some form of amnesty, will be a bridge too far for Obama and the Dems.


Bill Fennell said...

I think some rope will be needed if they pass amensety and health care for illegals..

Anonymous said...

Letting ALL illegals in for free is essential to the policies of the Obama Regime. This is why they are imposing their agenda on the nation without fear of repercussion, because they are counting on the 20-30 million illegal votes to create a permanent majority for them. They will do everything they can to ram this through, and if they do then the US Constitution is lost, and so is the republic. It IS that critical.

Goofy Dick said...

Bill, you are correct in your assessment to some point, however, I think a Lot of Rope will be needed.