HolyCoast: The Desperate Attempt to Ignore the Elephant in the Room
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Desperate Attempt to Ignore the Elephant in the Room

The elephant in this case does not represent the GOP, but the big issues that drove the election in Massachusetts. Look at these dueling headlines on Drudge:
Obama Says 'We Lost Touch'... Didn't Speak 'Directly to American People'...


Obama's First Year: By The Numbers:
It wasn't the lack of speaking to the American people that caused the backlash in Massachusetts (or Virginia or New Jersey), but what they were saying when they spoke. The voters don't like Obamacare. They don't like cap-and-tax, especially now that it's obviously based on the hoax of global warming. They don't like big government bailouts. They don't like the government taking over the private sector.

They don't like Obama and the Dems' policies. That's why Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley last night.

Unfortunately for America, Obama is a leftist ideologue who has never run anything in his life and knows nothing about working toward consensus. In every job he's had, from community organizer to state legislator to senator to president, he's relentlessly pushed a leftist agenda. He doesn't know how to do anything else, and that's what he'll continue to do now to his and his party's detriment. It appears he's planning to go down with the ship on all of his lefty issues, and it doesn't bother him that the crew and passenger will be going with him.

Bill Clinton took a beating in 1994 but learned something from it. He governed in Arkansas as a moderate-to-conservative. His liberalism in the presidency was not his natural state of being, but a response to the leftists that ran Congress at the time. Once he was free of their control (when they were voted out in '94), he reverted to a more centrist line and was able to be re-elected in '96.

Obama won't follow Clinton's example. And he probably won't follow Clinton's example of being re-elected.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

As you said, it wasn't the lack of speaking to the people--it was the lack of not listening to what they said back to him, or just ignoring it.

Not to mention complaining about how ignorant and uneducated and foolish they were not to listen to The Won and do as he said.