HolyCoast: E-Homony Settles Lawsuit
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

E-Homony Settles Lawsuit

Oh, excuse me, that's suppose to read "E-Harmony", but you probably won't be able to tell the difference much longer:
After two years of legal wrangling, the online dating service eHarmony.com has agreed to settle a lawsuit that claimed it discriminated against homosexuals.

The company has agreed to make the site more "welcoming" to people searching for same sex matches and will pay $500,000.

Under a proposed settlement filed Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, eHarmony will also link its straight and gay Web site, called Compatible Partners, and allow bisexual people to use both websites without paying double fees.

The eHarmony site already provides links for Christian, Jewish, Hispanic, black, senior and local dating.

Plaintiff's attorney Todd Schneider says the company will pay $500,000 to an estimated 150 Californians to settle the class-action suit, plus around $1.5 million in court and attorney's fees. California residents who have filed written complaints with the company will receive $4,000 each from the settlement funds.
Shoot, I think I'll file a complaint too. I could use $4,000.

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