HolyCoast: Family Reunion in Hell
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Family Reunion in Hell

Saddam Hussein is reunited with his cousin, Chemical Ali:
Saddam Hussein's notorious cousin "Chemical Ali" was executed Monday, Iraq's government spokesman said.

Hassan al-Majid was convicted Sunday, Jan. 17, of crimes against humanity, receiving a death sentence for his involvement in a poison gas attack on Halabja — one of several hanging over him.

Families of victims in court cheered when the judge handed down the guilty verdict against Ali Hassan al-Majid in a trial for one of the worst poisonous gas attacks against civilians.

He had received three previous death sentences for atrocities committed during Saddam's rule, particularly in the government's campaigns against the Shiites and Kurds in the 1980s and 1990s.

About time.

1 comment:

g said...

Good, society got rid of one more of the evil leaders.