HolyCoast: Four Horsemen of the Obamalypse
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Four Horsemen of the Obamalypse

They rode through Barack Obama's first year wreaking havoc:
Copenhagen - He went there to win the Olympics for Chicago. Chicago was voted out in the first round. He went there for a global warming treaty. We're having the coldest winter in years.

Virginia - He went there for candidate Creigh Deeds. Deeds was beaten like rented mule.

New Jersey - He went there for Jon Corzine. Yesterday Corzine became the former governor.

Massachusetts - He went there for Martha Coakley. Coakley Croaklied.
He's like a bizarro Midas. Everything he touches turns to crap.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Obama is having wonderful luck, I wish him more of this type luck in the future, much more of this type luck.