HolyCoast: Hawaii Says Aloha to Gay Marriage
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hawaii Says Aloha to Gay Marriage

Yet another state, this time a pretty liberal one, says "no" to gay marriage:
Hawaii lawmakers declined to vote Friday on a bill that would have allowed same-sex civil unions, effectively doing away with the measure.

State House leaders said a narrow majority of representatives would have voted for civil unions, but they decided to indefinitely postpone a decision on whether to grant gay and lesbian couples the same rights and benefits the state provides to married couples.

Civil union supporters in the crowded House gallery on Friday shouted, "Shame on you!" while opponents cheered.

"It's an election year, and they're more concerned about keeping their seats than doing what's right," said Stephen Nagle of Kaaawa, wearing a rainbow lei in support of civil unions.
At least these guys are smart enough to understand that voting against the will of the people is a foolish endeavor. They haven't figured that out in Washington yet.

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