HolyCoast: Homeland Security Graphic of the Day
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Monday, January 04, 2010

Homeland Security Graphic of the Day

And I get to fly to Texas on Friday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK. I read Liberty Chick's entire article, looking for the reason behind the "I ♥ being treated like a criminal by the TSA" graphic." I either missed it, or it isn't quite there. Having said that, I want to express my thoughts about the TSA.

Personally, I like the TSA. I kinda love 'em, long as they're doing their job properly. I do not understand any animosity toward them (and I'm not assuming you have any). I don't care what they do to me within reason. I really don't! Put me through the metal detector. Use the wand on me. Body scan me. Put me in the detector that sends out those strategic puffs of air (been there; done that). I'll take my coat off, my shoes off, tell you what brand of underwear I'm wearing, what colour it is, how old it is, & where I got it! I DON'T CARE! Just keep me safe, will ya? Find me a tee with "I ♥ the TSA" on it so I can wear it the next time I fly. (Yes, I realize that'll cause them to choose me for a random search for sure! Again, I don't care. He who has nothing to hide hides nothing. Right?)