HolyCoast: How Can You Tell if a Supreme Court Decision is Good or Bad?
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Can You Tell if a Supreme Court Decision is Good or Bad?

Just look at who is screaming about today's campaign finance ruling:
The Supreme Court's ruling Thursday striking down limits on corporate and union spending in elections is "un-American," Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Thursday.

Schumer, a top Senate Democrat who formerly ran their campaign committee, said he would hold hearings on the decision in the coming weeks.

"I think it's an un-American decision," Schumer said at a press conference Thursday. "I think when the American people understand what this radical decision has meant they will be even more furious and concerned about special interest influence in politics than they are today."

Democrats have responded quickly to rebuke the court's 5-4 ruling in the Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission case, handed down Wednesday. The decision essentially kills a sizable portion of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, better known as the McCain-Feingold Act for its high-profile sponsors.

The law, until this ruling, had subject corporations to special spending limits and disclosure rules that did not apply to individuals.

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), the sponsor of that 2002 law, has called for new legislation to address the court's ruling. Schumer said Thursday he'd hold hearings as chairman of the Senate Rules Committee.

"As chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, which is the committee with jurisdiction over these issues, I'm announcing that we will hold hearings on the impact of this decision within the next of couple of weeks," Schumer said.
And then there's this from Mark Knoller's Twitter feed:
In written stmnt, Obama calls ruling "major victory for Big Oil, Wall Street banks" & other powerful interests that drown out other voices.

Obama says he'll work with Congress to respond to the ruling. He says "The public interest requires nothing less."
In other words, they're going to try and enact some new unconstitutional laws to get back at the evil corporations.

Based on their detractors, it appears the Supremes hit a homerun today.

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