HolyCoast: Is Pelosi Going For One Last Banzai Charge?
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is Pelosi Going For One Last Banzai Charge?

The headline on Drudge says "The Day Health Care Died" based on Nancy Pelosi's statement that she doesn't have the votes in the House to pass the Senate version of Obamacare. But is it really dead? Not if this is true:
A well-informed source tells The Mouth Nancy Pelosi is set to announce the House will got the reconciliation route on health care reform.

Of course, that means using a budgetary procedure that requires a simple majority to pass.

It’s still unclear to us precisely what that means would be passed, but possibilities would be creating a national health care exchange and expanding Medicare or Medicaid coverage.

Democrats are caucusing now, so stay tuned.

Update: A second source confirms that Pelosi is presenting a reconciliation plan to the caucus, and making sure they go with something that can actually pass.

Separately, she is meeting with Harry Reid today.

I guess she's going to die screaming. A move like this would not be as popular as she might think in the Senate. There's some doubt they could even get 40 votes in this environment.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Why can't she understand the people do not want this? Is she as dumb as she acts?