HolyCoast: It's Time to Put Sacramento Out of Our Misery
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Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Time to Put Sacramento Out of Our Misery

It's bad enough having brain-dead droids running Washington, but we have another whole collection of crazies in Sacramento:
The California Senate approved creating a government-run health care system for the nation's most populous state on Thursday, ignoring a veto threat from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Supporters said it is time for state legislatures to take up the debate as the Obama Administration's national health care proposal falters in Congress.

"If it's not to be done at the national level, let us take the lead," said state Sen. Christine Kehoe, D-San Diego.

The move in California comes after Massachusetts voters changed the calculus in Congress by electing a Republican to the Senate who opposes the pending plan.

Democrats are the majority in both houses of the California Legislature. The 40-member state Senate passed the single-payer plan on a 22-14 vote, sending it to the Assembly. One Democrat voted against the measure.

Schwarzenegger promised to veto the proposal, as he has two similar plans that previously reached his desk. Spokeswoman Rachel Arrezola cited the state's massive budget cuts and looming $20 billion deficit in arguing the state cannot afford to shift to a single-payer health care system.

"Any elected official who thinks it's a good idea to strap the state with tens of billions of dollars from a government-run health care system is clearly not in touch with what voters need and deserve," Arrezola said.
Boy, if that isn't an argument for a part time legislature, nothing is. These people are so sadly out-of-touch with reality that they should be committed - except the mental institutions in this state won't take them because they'd be a bad influence on the other inmates.

Every Democrat - EVERY DEMOCRAT - must be voted out at the first opportunity before they completely destroy the country and the state.


Goofy Dick said...

Well, by the action of the State Assembly we can deduct that a lot of it's members want to be out of a job starting with the next election. These idiots are so far out of touch with reality they can't even figure out that the state of California is OUT OF MONEY to pay for such a health care system. The only reason I can see that they are pushing for this is to secure the vote of illegals who will be registered to vote by ACORN.

Ann's New Friend said...

I think this suggestion is really cute! And I think you should welcome it. Though Republicans hesitate to mention it, health care was already part of the life of Massachusetts (thanks to Romney) and the impression I got is that it's eating up lots of money rather quickly. Could their own health care bills have played a role in the recent, stunning defection there?

If the California legislature wants to transition from Democrat to Republican, I can envision no swifter way! They seem to forget that it was California that gave us our most memorable and beloved modern president. (And not without the help of aspirations like this!)