HolyCoast: The Liberal Election Meme: Dems Lost Because They Weren't Liberal Enough
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Liberal Election Meme: Dems Lost Because They Weren't Liberal Enough

There's just so much wrong with this liberal meme. Look at what Andy Stern, president of the SEIU, had to say about the Massachusetts election:
“The reason Ted Kennedy’s seat is no longer controlled by a Democrat is clear: Washington’s inability to deliver the change voters demanded in November 2008. Make no mistake, political paralysis resulted in electoral failure,” Stern said.

“During the past year, Republicans refused to do anything but stand in the way of change and Democratic Senators took too long to do too little. And tonight, the Senate bears the consequences for its failure to act decisively but the American people are the ones left paying the price…

“The Senate may have squandered the trust the American people gave to Washington in 2008. But now, every member of Congress and the Administration must act with a renewed sense of purpose to show working families whose side they are on and deliver meaningful change to every American. This is not the time for timidity. It starts by passing health insurance reform and giving Pat [DeJong] and millions of people like her the security and peace of mind they deserve.”
So, let's understand this. Because Democrats did not act swiftly enough to pass Obamacare voters rebelled by electing someone who promised to be the 41st vote in the Senate to oppose Obamacare. That's just completely illogical.

If the voters were angry that Obamacare wasn't getting passed they would have stormed the polls during the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts and swept liberals into power in every opportunity that was presented. They didn't. Independents flocked to GOP candidates precisely because they wanted to stop the liberal agenda.

They're just plain delusional.

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