HolyCoast: McCain Gets a Challenger
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

McCain Gets a Challenger

It looks like former congressman and radio talk show host J.D. Hayworth will challenge John McCain for his Senate seat:
On KFYI Phoenix, JD Hayworth just announced that this is his last day on the radio and he will pursue public service. He was a little coy, no official announcement, but probably because of legal issues involved in announcing a candidacy on his owe show.

He's in. Whohoo! Down with McCain.
Here's where it really gets interesting. Sarah Palin was going to campaign for McCain and that could actually be good for Hayworth. Palin does not have a very high favorable rating among any but the most ardent conservatives, and they don't think much of McCain. Palin also campaigned for Doug Hoffman in NY-23 and he lost. I'm not sure Palin's endorsement will help McCain at all, and it might hurt Palin.

Hayworth is a solid conservative and I'd love to see him replace ol' Maverick John.

1 comment:

Linda said...

The only thing that could make it better is if Obama would go stump for any Democrat that might be running!