HolyCoast: Middle East Amateur Hour
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Middle East Amateur Hour

Apparently Palestinians and Israelis have not been property impressed by rainbows and unicorns:
Earlier Thursday, US President Barack Obama said his administration overestimated its ability to persuade the Israelis and Palestinians to resume meaningful peace talks.

He said both parties have been unwilling to make the bold gestures needed to move the process forward. If the US had anticipated that earlier, the American leader said, he might not have raised his expectations so high.

"With respect to the Middle East, I think that you know we're absolutely committed. It doesn't matter whether it's round two or round 20," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday in reference to the stalled peace process.

During a joint press conference with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, Clinton said, "We believe that this is a situation that deserves constant, persistent attention; that the absence of such attention perhaps created some of the difficulties that we are now encountering.
I'm not sure how he could have underestimated two groups of people who have only been at war for like 5,000 years. Obama believe his own press and thought that now that he was president not only would the oceans recede but peace would break out in the Middle East.

Yeah, right.

I'll vote for the first guy who says "I'm not wasting any time or money in that sand-filled hellhole because no matter what I do those people will never get along with each other".

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

Their peoples may have been at war for 5K years, but the Muslims only about 1500 years. OK, so it's re-branding--sue me.