HolyCoast: Northeasterners, Midwesterners, Eat Your Hearts Out
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Northeasterners, Midwesterners, Eat Your Hearts Out

Of course, I write that title right before we begin a week of flooding rains in So Cal, and in fact as I write this the radar shows big time rain just a few miles away. But for this moment we can enjoy the blessings of living on the Holy Coast. Some scenes from this morning's walk along the San Clemente Beach Trail:

Ran into this Victoria's Secret model out for a morning walk.
Our destination, San Clemente Pier
The breakers on San Clemente Beach
Old dude surfer alert!
Dana Point in the distance
By law, every pier in California is required to have a pelican.
Closer view of said pelican
The beach trail runs alongside the main Amtrak line to San Diego

And finally, you can't walk along the Beach Trail without seeing a train or two:

1 comment:

Robert Fanning said...

I can see why you might think the woman on the boardwalk a fashion model, she is truly lovely.

Take care not to get washed out to sea during your wet days ahead! Your audience looks forward to your posts.