HolyCoast: Oregon Goes Over to the Dark Side
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oregon Goes Over to the Dark Side

I guess enough liberal Californians finally moved to Oregon to change an anti-tax state to a "tax-the-rich" state:
The Oregonian reports that Oregon voters yesterday bucked decades of anti-tax sentiment "raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy to prevent further erosion of public schools and other state services."

"The double-barreled victory is the first voter-approved statewide income tax increase since the 1930s. Other states, facing similar budget woes, are watching the outcome closely because Oregon, after all, is a state that capped property taxes and locked a surplus tax rebate program into the constitution."

And now Oregonians can look forward to a declining employment base just like California! Businesses that can will look for alternative locations to avoid the higher taxes.

I wonder what the tax rates are in British Columbia?

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

Looney lefties and unreconstructed hippies out here. We're overpopulated with them.