HolyCoast: Overdrawn at the Phone Bank
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Overdrawn at the Phone Bank

Some sad stories coming from the Coakley campaign this morning:
Meanwhile, across the street at the Massachusetts Teachers Association, the holiday and a bitter winter storm have kept the crowds away from a phone bank for Democratic candidate Martha Coakley. As of 10:20 this morning, not a single volunteer had yet arrived for the 10am phone bank. MTA Webmaster Meg Secatore tells Watchdog.org that the severe snow and ice that have covered Massachusetts highways are keeping people from the phones.
And two new polls:

ARG - Brown +7

Insider Advantage - Brown +9


Larry Sheldon said...

Ice-shmice. Massacusettes is used to ice--check the bars and the Catholic churches....

Y'all are missin the obvious.

Today is a National Holifay.

Union folk don't show up for work on holidays.

Larry Sheldon said...

Or holidays, either.