HolyCoast: Ping-Pong?
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Monday, January 18, 2010


How desperate are the Dems to pass Obamacare? It's hard to believe:
A panicky White House and Democratic allies scrambled Sunday for a plan to salvage their hard-fought health care package in case a Republican wins Tuesday's Senate race in Massachusetts, which would enable the GOP to block further Senate action.

The likeliest scenario would require persuading House Democrats to accept a bill the Senate passed last month, despite their objections to several parts.

Aides consulted Sunday amid fears that Republican Scott Brown will defeat Democrat Martha Coakley in the special election to fill the late Edward M. Kennedy's seat. A Brown win would give the GOP 41 Senate votes, enough to filibuster and block final passage of the House-Senate compromise on health care now being crafted.

House Democrats, especially liberals, viewed those compromises as vital because they view the Senate-passed version as doing too little to help working families. Under the Senate-passed bill, 94 percent of Americans would be covered, compared to 96 percent in the version passed last year by the House.
And that, my friends, will be the end of the Democrat Party as a national force. The voter uprising that will result will be truly terrible to behold...if you're a liberal... though a Scott Brown victory could certainly scare a bunch of Democrats off the bill or into retirement.

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