HolyCoast: President Obama is AWESOME!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

President Obama is AWESOME!

That's what Jim Geraghty thinks in today's Morning Jolt:
I observe in video form: "My fellow conservatives, one year ago, we found ourselves lost in the wilderness. We feared that a massive stimulus bill might persuade Americans that more spending is good for the economy. We feared that a united Democratic party might pass a health-care bill that would lead to a government takeover of one-sixth of our economy. We feared those same united Democrats would pass a cap-and-trade bill, making all energy use more expensive. We feared that a new president would hesitate from sending more troops to Afghanistan, and we feared a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq. And one year ago, control of either the House or Senate seemed very, very far away. Today, one year later, we can see that change has come to our nation.

"There are Republican governors in Trenton and Richmond, and a Republican represents Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate. Stuart Rothenberg says that 58 Democratic House seats are in play, and we only need to win 40 to take back the House. We have a good chance of winning Senate seats in North Dakota, Delaware, Illinois, Arkansas, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Indiana, and California. And now, President Obama is endorsing a spending freeze.

"What can we learn from all this?

"President Obama is AWESOME. He is the greatest thing to happen to conservatism since Jocelyn Elders called on the government to teach masturbation in schools. Finally, President Obama said earlier this week that he would rather 'be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.' Mister President, I share this dream. And I believe that by working together, it can be done. I guess you could say, 'Yes we can!'"

Yes we can! And yes we will!


MoistTrout said...

Hope and change, hope and change.

Goofy Dick said...

Mr. President, don't hold your breath, presently you don't even reach the mediocre mark.