HolyCoast: Steny Hoyer: The Voters Aren't Mad a Dems, They're Mad at the GOP
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Steny Hoyer: The Voters Aren't Mad a Dems, They're Mad at the GOP

What color is the sky in Steny's world?
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Tuesday said that angst voters have expressed early this election year is the result of GOP obstructionism, not the Democrats agenda.

Hoyer's remarks come as Republican state Sen. Scott Brown has surged in the Massachusetts special Senate election in part due to his pledge to be the GOP's 41st vote to filibuster healthcare reform legislation.

"I think what the public is angry about is they see, first of all, an opposition for opposition's sake," Hoyer told reporters.
So, the voters are expressing their anger at GOP obstructionism...by electing more Republicans.

And these are the guys who write your laws.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

I swear, Hoyer must be completly blind, deaf, and dumb. Some of these people in politics can't see the forest for the trees. He is another one that should be shown what a broom is for.