HolyCoast: Support for Abortion on the Decline
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Support for Abortion on the Decline

As abortions weed out the would-be offspring of abortion proponents, support for the barbaric procedures in on the decline. Don Surber has some details:
Matt Drudge highlighted the report and the poll, but it seems opposition to abortion is growing — with each abortion.

Marist Poll surveyed more than 2,000 Americans and found most people think abortion is abhorrent.

19% say morally acceptable.
56% say morally unacceptable.
25% say it is not a moral issue.

The poll was done on behalf of the Knights of Columbus, which noted, “Millennials (those 18-29) consider abortion to be morally wrong even more (58%) than Baby Boomers (those 45-64) (51%). Generation X (those 30-44) are similar to Millennials (60% see abortion as morally wrong). More than 6 in 10 of the Greatest Generation (those 65+) feel the same.”

That those born after Roe vs. Wade (those 37 or younger) would be less supportive of abortion shows a weeding out process as women who favor abortion do not have as many children to raise to continue their beliefs.

Of course, when you add those aborted children into the figure, well, needless to say support for abortion drops even further.

That 4 times as many people oppose abortion (56%) as support it (19%) and yet it is still legal shows the remarkable tolerance on one side.
This is what has also been called "The Roe Effect", something I wrote about long ago. As abortion advocates take themselves out of the genepool, or at least reduce their number of offspring, those lost children won't grow up in a house polluted by pro-abortion beliefs and consequently there are likely to be fewer abortion supporters in the future population.


Someday... said...

Just because someone supports abortion doesn't mean they are going to have abortions. And just because someone doesn't have an abortion doesn't mean they're against someone else having one.

That 'well if they weren't aborting babies they'd have more supporters har har har!' argument is incredibly stupid.

I support the right to have an abortion, but I myself would likely never have one. Just because I wouldn't have one doesn't mean that other people should be denied the rights to do what they think is right.

How many babies have you adopted?

Rick Moore said...

Well, Offender, whether you think it's stupid or not doesn't matter. The statistics tend to bear the theory out. Click on "The Roe Effect" link in the post and see for yourself.