HolyCoast: "They're Sending in People...From Texas!!"
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

"They're Sending in People...From Texas!!"

That's the latest battle cry of desperate Martha Coakley supporters trying to prevent the loss of "Ted Kennedy's seat":
Clearly, though, Brown has Democrats back on their heels.

Coakley’s campaign had an air of desperation Saturday, as she and her Democratic allies sought to find something, anything, to arrest Brown’s surge.

In the mail, came a flier from the state Democratic Party claiming that the Republican would deny rape victims hospital care.

On the stump, Democrats sought to rally their loyalists by warning of outside agitators trying to foist a conservative agenda on Massachusetts.

“They’re sending people from Texas,” said Kennedy, holding up an article from a Texas newspaper about conservatives from the state heading north to stump for Brown.

“We in this commonwealth don’t need people to come in to tell us to stop progress,” Kennedy said.

But apparently they do need people to come in from Washington to tell them to vote FOR Coakley because the people of the Bay State can't figure that out for themselves. That's why Obama will be there today, and hopefully he'll do for Massachusetts what he did for Virginia and New Jersey.

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