HolyCoast: A Tough New Reality for Democrats
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Tough New Reality for Democrats

Mark Steyn explains:
Reality Intrudes

. . . on the Democrat-media bubble. Adam Nagourney in the New York Times:

As Mr. Obama prepares to come here on Sunday to campaign for the party’s beleaguered Senate candidate, Martha Coakley, Democrats across the country are starting to wonder aloud if they misjudged the electorate over the last year, with profound ramifications for the midterm elections this year and, potentially, for Mr. Obama’s presidency.

Pity the poor Democrats. It's so easy to "misjudge" when you read the New York Times and the Boston Globe.

It's hard to believe this guy could go through the entire Tea Party days of April-September and not notice the electorate was not enamored with Obama. He was so busy trying to portray the Tea Party protesters as toothless, uneducated rubes that he wasn't able to notice that they're real Americans and they were really mad.

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