HolyCoast: What's Next, Urinals in the Ladies Room?
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What's Next, Urinals in the Ladies Room?

Great moments in education:
A Christian organization in Maine is asking its constituents to protest a state proposal that would give boys who call themselves girls full access to girls' restrooms, locker rooms and cheerleading squads.

The Christian Civic League of Maine said in a statement the "latest demand by the homosexual lobby is quite intolerable, having sunk to the level of an impossible absurdity."

"Gay activists are now demanding that young girls believe and publicly acknowledge that a biological boy in their locker room is, in fact, a girl," the group said.

"Gay activists are now demanding that their own private mental delusions about sex be accepted as public policy. By issuing this demand, radical homosexual activists are asking all of us to participate in a form of collective moral insanity, a mass delusion spread by the homosexual lobby and their misguided – and perhaps malevolent – enablers in Augusta," the group said.

The proposals were developed on behalf of homosexual interests after a conflict developed in one school.

The Bangor Daily News reported a fifth-grade boy at Asa Adams School had been given permission to use the girls' restroom. He then was subjected to "harassment," according to the Maine Human Rights Commission.

The school tried to reach a compromise by designating a special restroom for the boy, instead of allowing him to continue to use the girls' restroom. But the move brought a determination of discrimination from the state agency.

The Maine Human Rights Commission proposed a set of guidelines that would require schools "to allow young children to have access to facilities of the opposite sex. Under the proposed guidelines, boys who self-identify as female will have access to girls' sports teams and cheerleading squads, girls' bathrooms, and girls' locker rooms."

I read stories like this and I'm so glad my kids are out of the public school system.


Ann's New Friend said...

There's a reason why God made trees. If the boy's got a problem, let him "go green."

Sam L. said...

Will this mean that boys who claim to be girls will be on the girls volleyball and basketball and tennis (and whatever) teams, and that the NCAA MUST allow this?

Will "feminists" then protest this and lose because gay trumps femme in the leftist hierarchy?

Inquiring minds want to know.