HolyCoast: Who Would God Vote For?
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who Would God Vote For?

I ask that question because as I watch the Twitter hashtag #masen (MA Senate) I see people on both sides offering fervent prayers for their candidates. At the end of the day some will feel that their prayers were answered, some will not.

Who's right?

Who knows?

Does God have a dog in this fight? I'm not so sure. Although many have beseeched me in emails and other messages to "pray like I've never prayed before" for Scott Brown, I'm going to pass. While there's a lot to like about Brown, especially the fact that he'll be a vote against Obamacare and cap-and-tax and will break the Dem control of the Senate, the religious right is more or less overlooking his pro-choice abortion stand. For that reason I won't be bothering God with my pleadings on his behalf.

I still would like to see him win. In modern politics you cannot get everything you want in a candidate. Compromises will be made, and yes sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils. I don't like single-issue politics - I'm a big picture guy - and in the big picture Scott Brown is far preferable to Martha Coakley (or any Democrat, for that matter).

However, I don't think God will be sitting by the TV with his fingers crossed for either candidate. In the final analysis we'll get the politicians we deserve.

1 comment:

Bob Hughes said...

"In the final analysis we'll get the politicians we deserve."

Too true.