HolyCoast: Why Did Airhead America Fail?
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Friday, January 22, 2010

Why Did Airhead America Fail?

Bad product and a market that didn't want it:
The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Charlie Kireker, one of Air America’s principal owners and its chairman, said in a memo to employees Thursday that the company was done in by “a perfect storm” of plunging ad revenues, intense competition, high debt and poor prospects for new financing. A search for new investors, he said, has been fruitless. The company declined further comment.
I'll repeat what I said yesterday:
This thing from the beginning was where liberal dollars went to die. There's just no significant market for 24/7 whining, anger and petulance.
They thought that if Limbaugh, Hannity, et al could succeed by providing conservative commentary they could do the same with liberal commentary. They left out one important thing - the successful conservative radio hosts are entertaining. That's why lots of liberals listen to Limbaugh and Hannity even if they vigorously disagree with them. There was nothing entertaining about liberal talk radio.


Sam L. said...

And it's not like there's a dearth of leftish news agencies, TV networks, and major media outlets form which one might get a tsunami of left-wing and moonbat opinion.

I take it the comment problem hasn't been solved.

Rick Moore said...

Yes and no on the comment thing. Still getting hit with spam, but what I've done is set the comment controls so that comments on anything within 24 hours of a post going up with go right through. If comments are made to posts older than that they'll hit the moderation controls. Most spam comes in on older comments, but this latest attack hit all the latest posts. I'm trying to reduce their opportunities without completely shutting down open comments.