HolyCoast: The World Bids Farewell to Obama
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The World Bids Farewell to Obama

That's the headline of a piece in the influential German magazine Der Spiegel, mourning the loss of hope and change:
US President Barack Obama suffered a painful defeat in Massachusetts on Tuesday. With mid-term elections looming, it means that Obama will have to fundamentally re-think his political course. German commentators say it is the end of hope.

US President Barack Obama has had a number of difficult weeks during his first year in the White House. Right after he took office, he had to wade through a week full of partisan bickering over his economic stimulus package combined with a tax scandal surrounding Tom Daschle, the man Obama had hoped would lead his health care reform team.

Then there was the last week of 2009, when a failed terror attack on a flight inbound for Detroit exposed major flaws in US efforts to identify and stop potential terrorists.

This week, though -- a week when Obama should have been celebrating the first anniversary of his inauguration -- may have been the president's worst yet. Scott Brown, an almost unknown Republican member of the Massachusetts Senate, defeated the Democratic candidate Martha Coakley for the US Senate seat vacated by the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. The defeat in a heavily Democratic state not only highlights Obama's massive loss of popular support during his first year in office, but it also could spell doom for his signature effort to reform the US health care system.

There were immediate calls for a suspension of health care votes in the Senate until Brown is sworn in. The loss of the Massachusetts seat means that the Democrats no longer control the 60 Senate seats necessary to avoid a filibuster. Obama's reform package, which aims to provide health insurance to most of the over 40 million Americans currently lacking coverage, may ultimately fail as a result.

More than that, though, the vote shows just how quickly the political pendulum has swung back to the right following Obama's election. The seat won by Brown had been in Democratic hands for all but six years since 1926. Now, its new occupant is a man who not only opposes the health care bill, but also favors waterboarding as a method of interrogation for terrorism suspects and rejects carbon cap-and-trade as a means of limiting carbon emissions.

The omen could be a dark one for the Obama administration heading into a mid-term election year.
Dark for him, good for us.

It has barely been a year-and-a-half since Obama went to Berlin to speak to rapturous crowds of Euroweenies who fell for the same baloney that 53% of Americans fell for. Now they realize the mythical creature they created in their minds is actually a very flawed man who had no real experience running anything, and beyond selling himself really isn't very good at...well, anything.

Hope, change, incompetence.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

I hope and pray that for Obama the picture gets exceedingly dark, sort of like black. This man has tried his best to doom our country as far as its finances and freedoms go.