HolyCoast: Biden's Motorcade Strikes Again
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Biden's Motorcade Strikes Again

It's dangerous to be anywhere near Joe Biden's motorcade:
Figure skating great Peggy Fleming and former bobsled champion Vonetta Flowers sustained "minor injuries" Sunday in a traffic accident while riding in Vice President Joe Biden's motorcade at the Vancouver Olympics, a spokesman for Biden said.

The motorcade was carrying members of the U.S. delegation to an event when the "minor accident" occurred, spokesman Jay Carney said.

Fleming and Flowers were in a van and taken to a hospital as a precaution and were released, Carney said. Neither Biden nor anyone else in his party was involved in the accident.
Jim Treacher adds this:
Biden's motorcade has killed and injured more people than global warming.
So true.

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