HolyCoast: "Biggest Disaster in American History"
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Biggest Disaster in American History"

That's how lawyer and radio host Mark Levin describes Obama:
At last there appears to be a president worse than Jimmy Carter – at least according to conservative talk show host Mark Levin.

That was the question host Don Imus asked Levin Feb. 18 on the Fox Business Network’s “Imus in the Morning.” “So the President Obama, worse than Jimmy Carter?”

“Worse than Jimmy Carter? I mean they’re not mutually exclusive, they’re both disasters,” Levin replied, citing many of the parallels of the two administrations.

But on the home front, Levin said Obama was beyond comparison: “I think on domestic policy, nobody comes close to Barack Obama. I think he’s the biggest disaster in modern American history.”

That led the duo to discuss the $787 billion stimulus bill, that turned 1-year-old Feb. 17. “Regarding the stimulus package, the president says that that kept us from sliding into Depression,” Imus noted.

Levin claimed concerns about a Depression were false, and that Obama was harming America’s economy with government intrusion – choking out the private sector. “You know, this is what you do when you’re desperate, and you’re a radical propagandist,” Mark Levin said.

“This is a very vicious recession and we would have been out of by now if he wasn’t smothering the private sector, threatening to tax them, nationalizing major industries, government doesn’t spread wealth, it destroys wealth and it spreads misery. Now we’ve had trillions of dollars spent in the last 13-14 months…trillions…following this failed ideology. We still have almost 10 percent unemployment, still foreclosures, soon the fed is going to back off pumping money into the housing market, interest rates are going to go up…” Levin continued, not buying the merits of the stimulus.

Then came the harshest remarks from the politically incorrect commentator about the perceived socialist ideology of the president:

“This philosophy that Obama embraces has failed whenever it’s tried, wherever it’s tried. And you notice they always try to say the same thing – ‘we haven’t gone far enough,’ ‘we need more money,’ ‘we need more government,’ and then they pick enemies – this industry, that industry – it’s because they’re failures. And this is how they continue to push their propaganda. We weren’t sliding into a great Depression, so now he’s rewriting history.”
I don't think any of us who remember Jimmy Carter as president ever expected that someone that incompetent could be elected president again. However, hope and change accompanied by fancy rhetoric trumped competence, common sense and capitalism to win the day in 2008 and we and our descendants will be paying for it for generations.

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