HolyCoast: The CPAC Straw Poll Does Have At Least One Important Use
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

The CPAC Straw Poll Does Have At Least One Important Use

First, this from Don Surber:
So Republican Congressman Ron Paul and his minions were able to stuff the CPAC ballot box and make him appear to be the leading candidate of his party for the 2012 presidential race.

When announced, results were booed by most of CPAC’s crowd of 10,000 or so.

It’s 2008 all over again, when these same people stuffed every online poll foolish enough to include him in its choices.
Ron Paul hasn't a chance to win either the nomination or the general election. While a handful of starry-eyed young conservatives still think he's the bees knees of politics, I can't wait for the day when they wake up and realize he'll be 77 on election day in 2012. Even if he were to survive the primary (and survive..period), America will not elect a 77 year old president, I don't care what his ideas and policies are. Not in this day and age. I don't care if he can turn water into wine. I don't even have to deconstruct his political stands to know that much.

The Paulistinians (or Ronulans or Paul Bearers as they are also known) are true believers in the religion of Paulism, and I can't for the life of me figure out how he's managed to attract such a cult-like following. In my view, those who are giddy with glee today over this silly straw poll and actual believe Ron Paul should be the candidate in 2012 are applying about as much brainpower to their electoral choice as the truthers and the birthers apply to their pet cause.

Consequently, the CPAC straw poll has proved useful to me in one way - it's allowed me to clean up my Facebook friends list. Just as I drop anyone who promotes 9/11 truther or Obama birther nonsense, I've started dropping Paulistinians who are convinced he's the only guy for the country. Those people simply aren't clear headed enough for me to want to read their status updates or other thoughts anymore. Time for them to go so I can make room for people who aren't part of a personality cult.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Rick make a list so I can delete them as well. LOL. Paultards make me cringe.