HolyCoast: Did the GOP Sandbag Obama?
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Did the GOP Sandbag Obama?

It's beginning to look that way. Here's some media reaction rounded up by the Senate Republican Caucus (h/t Hot Air):
CNN’s WOLF BLITZER: “It looks like the Republicans certainly showed up ready to play.” (CNN’s “Live,” 2/25/10)

CNN’s GLORIA BORGER: “The Republicans have been very effective today. They really did come to play. They were very smart.” (CNN’s “Live,” 2/25/10)

BORGER: “They took on the substance of a very complex issue. … But they really stuck to the substance of this issue and tried to get to the heart of it and I think did a very good job.” (CNN’s “Live,” 2/25/10)
BORGER: “They came in with a plan. They mapped it out.” (CNN’s “Live,” 2/25/10)

CNN’s DAVID GERGEN: “The folks in the White House just must be kicking themselves right now. They thought that coming out of Baltimore when the President went in and was mesmerizing and commanding in front of the House Republicans that he could do that again here today. That would revive health care and would change the public opinion about their health care bill and they can go on to victory. Just the opposite has happened.” (CNN’s “Live,” 2/25/10)

GERGEN: “He doesn’t have a strong Democratic team behind him.” (CNN’s “Live,” 2/25/10)
THE HILL’S A.B. STODDARD: “I think we need to start out by acknowledging Republicans brought their ‘A Team.’ They had doctors knowledgeable about the system, they brought substance to the table, and they, I thought, expressed interest in the reform. I thought in the lecture from Senator John McCain and on the issue of transparency, I thought today the Democrats were pretty much on their knees.” (Fox News’ “Live,” 2/25/10)
From what I've been reading the GOP brought a very strong team, including 3 doctors, and went at the president and the Dems armed with facts, not sob stories or demagoguery. The Dems, on the other hand, brought the usual collection of lefty hacks, have been very prickly all day, trotted out their favorite health care horror stories (like the lady who wears her dead sister's teeth), and have done their best to stick to talking points and avoid dealing with the factual issues related to their bills.

At the end of the day I think Obama is going to regret having given the GOP the opportunity to make their case as eloquently as they appear to have done today. Rather than fire up the Democrats to pass healthcare over those "Party of NO !" Republicans, it may well scare more Dems away from these bills.

The question now is whether the true believers will go through with trying to pass something via reconciliation, as reported by Politico earlier today. At this point I've got to think that would be suicide.


jan said...

The jerk has not idea that sunlight is the best disinfectant. I think he got a dose of Vit. D today. ;O)

Anonymous said...

*lb said ...

we can only hope

Kristie said...

Great job!