HolyCoast: Gay Conservatives Defended by CPAC Crowd
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gay Conservatives Defended by CPAC Crowd

There was an interesting moment in Friday's CPAC meeting when a Ryan Sorba from California Young Americans got up to condemn CPAC for including a gay conservative group at its meeting. Here's the video:
Frankly, the guy deserved the response he got from the crowd. He was being obnoxious, and there's a difference between having a gay conservative group as part of the conference and endorsing all the items on their political agenda. CPAC includes many groups with many different agendas, and not everyone agrees on everything.

The reactions at some gay blogs are kind of interesting. At one site they said that the image of conservatives defending gays ought to scare Democrats to death. If the GOP is able to show inclusiveness of different groups, without necessarily endorsing their political agendas, it could create havoc among the coalition of special interest groups that make up the Democrat party.

Ed Morrissey wrote a piece awhile back supporting the idea of having the gay group as part of CPAC. I can't disagree with him.


Ann's New Friend said...

Homosexual Americans are citizens of the United States. Period. Their participation in any political party needn't be any different from anyone else's.

No one who signs on with a political party is likely to find their party in total agreement with their every desire. With Democrats the fighting usually starts after the first 15 minutes (if Obama's administration is any indication).

Homosexuals who care about individual liberty, limited government, fiscal responsibility, rights of States and municipalities, and less government intrusion into their lives will find that their home is inside the Conservative movement.

libhom said...

This guy wasn't booed for being bigoted against gays. He was booed for criticizing CPAC.

Rick Moore said...

Nice spin attempt, libhom. Wonkette would be proud.