HolyCoast: Global Warming Quote of the Day
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Global Warming Quote of the Day

Today's entry comes from The View, featuring Eve Ensler (who wrote a play about talking vaginas) and Joy Behar. In this excerpt they're talking about Sarah Palin:
ENSLER: Well, I just think the idea that she doesn't believe in global warming is bizarre.

BEHAR: Every scientist at every note believes in it but Sarah Palin doesn't believe in it.

ENSLER: And I think we just kind of have to walk around the world at this point and look at what is happening to nature and earthquakes and tsunamis.

BEHAR: Right.

Did you realize that earthquakes and tsunamis are associated with the climate? Apparently if it gets warm enough the earth expands and causes earthquakes and underwater landslides which lead to tsunamis.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

bad case of cranio-rectal impaction.