HolyCoast: Global Warming to Assault the Northeast With "Historic" Storm
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Global Warming to Assault the Northeast With "Historic" Storm

It looks like it will miss Washington D.C. this time but New York City and Boston will get slammed:
A powerful storm of historical proportions is aiming at much of the Northeast Thursday into Friday and will follow up to a foot and a half of snow through Wednesday over upstate New York and western New England.

This second storm will be nothing short of a monster. Even in light of the blizzards earlier this winter that targeted the southern mid-Atlantic, this may be the one that people remember the most this winter in parts of New England and the northern mid-Atlantic.

At its peak, the storm will deliver near hurricane-force wind gusts (74 mph) blinding snow falling at the rate of over an inch per hour. For some people in upstate New York and eastern and northern Pennsylvania, this may seem more like a "snow hurricane" rather than a blizzard.

Cities likely to be impacted by heavy snow for all or at least part of the storm include: New York City, Albany, Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, Scranton, Allentown, Reading, Williamsport and Burlington.

The storm also deliver heavy rain and flooding northeast of the center of circulation.

The cities of Boston, Providence and Portland may have their hands full with coastal flooding problems.

The combination of wind, heavy rain and heavy snow will lead to extensive power outages and property damage. Where numerous trees and lines are blown down, the power could be out for a week in some areas.

Impacts on travel in the region may be severe. The effects of the storm will lead to flight delays and cancellations. Some major roads may be blocked by snow, downed trees or flooding.
As I've often said, God loves messing with their heads.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

Awwwwwww, the papers are always filled with gross exaggerations of expectation of things to come (we're all gonna dieeeeeeeeeee!!)

Still, it's global warming/climate change coming on the fast hooves of the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (how come FHOTA hasn't become one of our standard acronyms, like IYKWIMAITYD?)

(Thanks, I feel much better now.)