HolyCoast: Global Warming Video of the Day
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Friday, February 05, 2010

Global Warming Video of the Day

From Baltimore:

1 comment:

Larry Sheldon said...

Sounds like our TV guys when ever there are T-storm in the area.

Son-in-law then recently moved her from Santa Clarita called one night wanting to know what in the world he wqas supposed to do.

I told him "turn the TV set off. If the siren on the high-school across the street goes off, go to the basement and sit under one of the main beams.

Pointed out (or maybe it was daughter who was out on the road that did) that the house had been there a hundred years, and there had been q lot of T-storms in those years, some of which had tornadoes that had wrecked a lot of the city.)

TV weather folks are the hazards.